Wednesday, November 19, 2008


きょうのアクティビティです。There are 4 activities. If you do not finish within class time please finish at home. Use your time effectively!

1. Watch the podcast movies of other groups and comment. (30 minutes)

This is individual work.
  • Go to the podcast folder under the shared “Courseworks” folder.
  • Watch the podcast movies (or script).
  • Keeping the goals, audience, and evaluation categories in your mind, comment in English (Include at least one sentence in Japanese).

• You will have the chance to actively express your opinions to a real Japanese audience by using Japanese language and other modalities (tone of your voice, body language, pictures, color, font etc.)
• You will have the chance to consider first-hand how big media operates and presents information

• The worldwide audience of Japanese-speakers interested in New York, Columbia University, or life at an American university - and also your classmates, of course

Evaluation Categories
1. Language:
Grammar, Vocabulary, Accurate, Correctness
2. Content:
Creative, Original, Interesting, Entertaining, Fun, Funny, Enjoyable, Humor, Informative, Effective Use of Music/Sound/graphics, Quality over Quantity.
3. Presentation:
Adequate speed, Coherent, Clear (topic and direction), Natural.
4. Consideration:
Appropriate/relevant to the audience, Adequate length (Not too long unless it's REALLY interesting), Engaging, Good Transition, Proper editing, Coherence.
5. Goal/Purpose/Idea
6. Effort
7. Openness to Others' Comments

2. Think about your communication with others in blogging (15min)

Make a group of 2-3. Discuss below questions with your group members. Write your answers by commenting on this post. (Don’t forget to write your names!)
  • Look at your past communication exchanges and examine how much you could continue communicating with the people whose blogs you made comments and from whom you received comments.
  1. If your communication did not last long, why didn’t that communication last? How can you make it longer?
  2. If your communication has lasted, why do you think it lasted? Are there different ways to keep the communication going?

3. Check the comments made on your own blog, as well as if others have/have not responded to comments that you made on their blogs. (10 minutes)

This is individual work.
  • Keeping your answers of 2 in mind, check the comments that others have made on your blog, as well as check if others have responded to comments that you have made on their blogs.
  • If you think it is necessary, respond to any questions or comments.
  • Record where you have commented on your comment sheet so you know where you have commented.

4. Write in your own blog. (10 minutes)
  • Write in your blog in Japanese.
  • The topic can be anything. If you don’t have any ideas write about what you did during the long weekend (Nov. 1-4) and how it was. Use counters if you can.