Wednesday, December 3, 2008


きょうのアクティビティです。There are 4 activities.

Today’s activities are all individual work.

1. Evaluation of the podcasts (30 minutes)

  • Go to the December 8th folder in the Courseworks folder and download the file, “Podcast Evaluation Form.”
  • Read the goals, audience, and evaluation categories shown below.
  • Watch all podcasts including yours
  • Evaluate them and type comments. Make sure to write at least one sentence in Japanese.
  • Send your evaluation forms to your instructor via e-mail. (Hamada: hh2373)

• You will have the chance to actively express your opinions to a real Japanese audience by using Japanese language and other modalities (tone of your voice, body language, pictures, color, font, etc.)
• You will have the chance to consider first-hand how big media operates and presents information

• The worldwide audience of Japanese-speakers interested in New York, Columbia University, or life at an American university - and also your classmates, of course

Evaluation Categories
1. Content
Informative, Concise, Funny, Enjoyable, Creative, Snippets of Japanese culture, Entertaining, Visually pleasing, Coherent idea, Typical of daily conversation/activity, Original, Detailed, Animation, Engaging, Not corny, Believable characters, Fun, Balanced input from all members of the group, Incorporate aural and visual landscapes, J-pop

2. Language
Grammar, Pronunciation, Vocabulary, Sentence structures, Fluent, Natural sounding, Proper inflection

3. Consideration
Not too long/short, Relevant to a wide audience, Organized, Subtitles, Thoughtful, Use and expand familiar concepts

2. Evaluation of the blogs. (15 minutes)

  • Go to the December 8th folder in the Courseworks folder and download the file, “Blog Evaluation Form.”
  • Read the evaluation categories shown below.
  • Read 8 blogs listed below your own blog AND your blog.
  • Evaluate them and type comments. Make sure to write at least one sentence in Japanese.
  • Send your evaluation forms to your instructor via e-mail. (Hamada: hh2373)
Evaluation Categories
1. Language:
New grammar & vocabulary, Concise, Most in Japanese,

2. Content:
Interesting, Pictures, Videos, Music, Variety, Questions at the end, Culture & Language, Customs, Something new about the author

3. Layout:
Readable (color and font), Legibility

4. Communication:
Interactive, Engaging, Interactive comments, Responsiveness

5. Consideration:
Kanji (not too many),

6. Regular visitors

3. Course Evaluation (10 minutes)

  • Go to the Courseworks, Elementary Japanese B, and then Evaluation.
  • Evaluate this Japanese class. Please write as much as possible so that we can improve our Japanese classes for students who will be studying Japanese at Columbia.

4. Evaluation of the blog project & podcast project. (10 minutes)

  • Go to the December 8th folder and download the file, “Blog and Podcast Projects Evaluation Form.”
  • Evaluate both brojects. Please write as much as possible so that we can improve the projects for students who will be studying Japanese at Columbia.
  • Send the forms to Sato-sensei ( Don't forget to write your name in your email! Also, write “Hamada-sensei Elementary B-2” in the subject/title.

Wednesday, November 19, 2008


きょうのアクティビティです。There are 4 activities. If you do not finish within class time please finish at home. Use your time effectively!

1. Watch the podcast movies of other groups and comment. (30 minutes)

This is individual work.
  • Go to the podcast folder under the shared “Courseworks” folder.
  • Watch the podcast movies (or script).
  • Keeping the goals, audience, and evaluation categories in your mind, comment in English (Include at least one sentence in Japanese).

• You will have the chance to actively express your opinions to a real Japanese audience by using Japanese language and other modalities (tone of your voice, body language, pictures, color, font etc.)
• You will have the chance to consider first-hand how big media operates and presents information

• The worldwide audience of Japanese-speakers interested in New York, Columbia University, or life at an American university - and also your classmates, of course

Evaluation Categories
1. Language:
Grammar, Vocabulary, Accurate, Correctness
2. Content:
Creative, Original, Interesting, Entertaining, Fun, Funny, Enjoyable, Humor, Informative, Effective Use of Music/Sound/graphics, Quality over Quantity.
3. Presentation:
Adequate speed, Coherent, Clear (topic and direction), Natural.
4. Consideration:
Appropriate/relevant to the audience, Adequate length (Not too long unless it's REALLY interesting), Engaging, Good Transition, Proper editing, Coherence.
5. Goal/Purpose/Idea
6. Effort
7. Openness to Others' Comments

2. Think about your communication with others in blogging (15min)

Make a group of 2-3. Discuss below questions with your group members. Write your answers by commenting on this post. (Don’t forget to write your names!)
  • Look at your past communication exchanges and examine how much you could continue communicating with the people whose blogs you made comments and from whom you received comments.
  1. If your communication did not last long, why didn’t that communication last? How can you make it longer?
  2. If your communication has lasted, why do you think it lasted? Are there different ways to keep the communication going?

3. Check the comments made on your own blog, as well as if others have/have not responded to comments that you made on their blogs. (10 minutes)

This is individual work.
  • Keeping your answers of 2 in mind, check the comments that others have made on your blog, as well as check if others have responded to comments that you have made on their blogs.
  • If you think it is necessary, respond to any questions or comments.
  • Record where you have commented on your comment sheet so you know where you have commented.

4. Write in your own blog. (10 minutes)
  • Write in your blog in Japanese.
  • The topic can be anything. If you don’t have any ideas write about what you did during the long weekend (Nov. 1-4) and how it was. Use counters if you can.

Thursday, October 23, 2008

ポッドキャストプロジェクト:Evaluation Categories

1. Content
Informative, Concise, Funny, Enjoyable, Creative, Snippets of Japanese culture, Entertaining, Visually pleasing, Coherent idea, Typical of daily conversation/activity, Original, Detailed, Animation, Engaging, Not corny, Believable characters, Fun, Balanced input from all members of the group, Incorporate aural and visual landscapes, J-pop

2. Language
Grammar, Pronunciation, Vocabulary, Sentence structures, Fluent, Natural sounding, Proper inflection

3. Consideration
Not too long/short, Relevant to a wide audience, Organized, Subtitles, Thoughtful, Use and expand familiar concepts

Tuesday, October 21, 2008


This is today’s activity. If you cannot finish within class time, please finish at home.

1. In groups of 3-4 people, discuss the attributes of a good podcast. Also discuss categories that you feel are important in evaluating podcasts.(10 min.)

We will have not only teachers, but also your classmates and yourself evaluate the podcasts. Using the results of your discussions today as a basis, we will decide the criteria for evaluating the podcast project at the end of the semester.

  • In groups of 3-4 people, discuss the attributes of a good podcast. Also discuss the criteria that are important for evaluating podcasts project (i.e. both process and product).
  • Post the results of your discussion in the comment area of this blog. (To ensure that we know who posted, write your group member’s names. (initials are fine as well)

2. Read the comments on your own blog. (10 minutes)
  • Read the comments of the people who commented on your blog. (If you already read them skip #2 and go to step 3 below.)
  • If you feel that it is necessary, respond back to the people who commented on your blog.

3. Confirm if comments you have made on others’ blogs have been responded to, or not. (10 minutes).
  • Check the status of comments you have left on others’ blogs. (If you have already done this, skip to step 4.)
  • If you think it is necessary, respond to any comments.

4. Comment on the blogs of students in other sections, and other universities (at least 5). (20 minutes)
  • To go to blogs in other sections, look at the link list on the right-hand side of the page.
  • To go to the blogs of students in other universities and countries, click on the link on the right-hand side of the page that says, "せかい(world)" under “ともだちをつくろう(Let's make friends.” At this site you will see にほんごいちねんせい as a link on the right, and underneath it there are various university’s names. If you click these links you will be brought to university homepages which have student blogs.
  • When you read the blogs and think you want to be friends, comment on their blogs. Try to keep the communication going with these students.
  • To ensure that you remember where you commented, please make sure to record on your comment sheet. Hand in your comment sheet at the end of class.
5. Write in your blog. (15 minutes)
  • Write in your blog in Japanese.
  • You can choose any topic. If you can’t think of any ideas you can write about what you will do on your day off for Election Day or on Halloween.

Monday, October 20, 2008


1. Goals:

  • You will have the chance to actively express your opinions to a real Japanese audience by using Japanese language and other modalities (tone of your voice, body language, pictures, color, font etc.)
  • You will have the chance to consider first-hand how big media operates and presents information
2. Audience:
  • The worldwide audience of Japanese-speakers interested in New York, Columbia University, or life at an American university - and also your classmates, of course
3. Content:
  • We will create video podcast or TV programs about life at American University, New York City or your own choice
4. Steps:
  1. Form groups (two or more people), give a name to your group, and brainstorm ideas.
  2. Discuss what constitutes a good podcast or TV program. Everyone will decide on the categories that we will use to critique our own and each other’s podcasts
  3. Keeping #2 and your audience in mind, write proposal, and post it in your group’s folder (Courseworks -> Shared Folder -> Podcast) (Due 11/6R, 11/10M)
  4. Read your classmates’ proposals, make critical comments, and post it in their groups' folders
  5. Revise your proposal based on your classmate's comments
  6. Write scripts
  7. Practice reading the scripts in a natural manner. (If it is necessary, students should memorize their scripts. The point is that the scripts must NOT sound stilted and unnatural)
  8. Videotape the podcasts (First draft due 11/18T, 11/19W)
  9. Watch your classmates’ podcasts and make comments based on the categories we will create
  10. Correct and improve the scripts
  11. Videotape a second time (Final draft due 12/1M, 12/2T)
  12. Listen to the podcasts created by you and your classmates; critique them. We post the podcasts online, and allow a worldwide audience to listen
* You can see (or listen) past students' work. Go to ニューヨーク日本語の時間 (Columbia Japanese Student Podcast) under ポッドキャスト on the right side of the page.

Sunday, October 12, 2008



Blog project evaluation categories

1. Language:
New grammar & vocabulary, Concise, Most in Japanese,

2. Content:
Interesting, Pictures, Videos, Music, Variety, Questions at the end, Culture & Language, Customs, Something new about the author

3. Layout:
Readable (color and font), Legibility

4. Communication:
Interactive, Engaging, Interactive comments, Responsiveness

5. Consideration:
Kanji (not too many),

6. Regular visitors

Wednesday, October 1, 2008



(Section 1)

(Section 2)

Tuesday, September 30, 2008






いじょう:more than
その時(とき):At that time
飲茶(やむちゃ):dim sum
ひっこしします:to move
行きたいです:to want to go



Please read your group members' posts and comment on them (agree? disagree? etc.)

Your comments will serve as a guideline for you at the end of the semester when your own blogs and those of your classmates’ will be evaluated.

Monday, September 15, 2008


Today, please complete exercises 1-4. (If you do not finish in class please finish at home). Those who have time please complete exercise 5 as well.

1. About the Blog Project

* We will start a blog project today. First, start by reading the post titled “blog project”, which illustrates the purpose of this project. Scroll all the way down and you will see the entry titled “blog project”.

2. The Development of the Blog

1. On this page, if you scroll down you will see the post titled: “How to Open a Blog Account.” Please read this and develop your blog. If you have any questions, please ask a nearby classmate any questions first, before asking the instructor.
2. Once you have started your blog please send the blog’s URL address to your instructor. (Hamada: hh2373@).

3. Write a Self-Introduction in Japanese

1. In hiragana, please write the first draft of your self-introduction. (Please do not publish it online yet). For those who do not want to use their real names, it is also fine to use a pseudonym. For those who do not know how to type in Japanese, please click on the “Japanese and Computer” link on the right-hand side of this page. If after reading the information you still have questions please first ask a classmate before asking the instructor.
2. After writing your self-introduction, form groups of 2-3 students to peer edit your self-introduction. (Is your hiragana written correctly?) *If the hiragana appears too small on the page and is difficult to read, Apple users press the “Apple/command” key and the “+ “key together, (PC users press the “Control” key instead of the “Apple/command” key) and the characters will get larger.
3. After everyone in the group has read and corrected each others’ self-introductions, click “publish post” which then allows your post to be published.

4. Post in English (or your native language)

* Please write in English (or your native language) about why you chose to study Japanese, also include what you are excited about, and you find difficult after your first 2 weeks of class.

*If you use a translating site (links are to the right), then everyone can read it so it does not have to be in English!

5. Comment

1. Please comment on your classmate’s blogs.
2. Please comment on the blogs of your fellow first year international classmates (from Malaysia and France).


In order to open a new blog account, please follow the instructions.

1. Go to to create your blog.

* In order to receive comments from as many people as possible, please select "Settings," then "Comments," and choose either "Registered Users" or "Users with Google Accounts" under the "Who can comment?" section.

* If you want to know how to type Japanese, please click the link listed on the right side.

2. Send your blog address (URL) to the instructor.

* If you have trouble opening a new account, please let the instructor know.

* If you already have a blog and you can use Japanese on it, you do not have to open a new account.

3. Post a blog entry regularly.

* If you have no idea about what to write, please see the following suggested topics.

I can read Japanese!
In speaking Japanese!
Reasons I am studying Japanese
My dream
My Japanese friends
Japanese grammar vs. English grammar
Speaking vs. Writing
Listening vs. Reading
My daily schedule
I have no time to study!
I spent so much time studying, but..
My hobbies
My classmates
What I like/dislike about Japan or Japanese
Daily news
Japanese writing system
Japanese vocabulary
Favorite lab exercise
Voc quiz
My favorite Japanese TV show, movie, or anime

* You can also use pictures and videos!

In the end of the semester your blog will be evaluated by the instructor, your classmates as well as yourself. We will discuss the criteria of evaluation in the middle of the semester.


Blog Project:

Welcome to the Blogging Project! For this class we would like you to keep a blog because it provides a place:

1. To share/express your happiness, surprise, excitement, and/or frustration, as well as any questions you might have, while learning the Japanese language (or any other topics).

* While studying new grammar and words is very important when learning a language, it is equally important to actually use the language in a real life context. You must not wait to express yourself only when you think you have mastered the language because language learning is basically an ongoing process. In the beginning you may use English or any languages to express yourself, but I recommend that you gradually switch to Japanese whenever you feel comfortable enough to express yourself in Japanese.

2. To communicate with your classmates and other people outside of class.

* Language learning is not limited to what you do for the course but also includes what you do and experience outside the class. For this project I will ask you to form a group with two or three students. The purpose of the group is to encourage and monitor each other (e.g., leaving a comment on each other’s blog and making sure everyone is following the schedule). I will ask you to change groups once or twice during the semester.

* We will also create links to your classmates' blogs as well as blogs by students in other sections, other levels, and other schools, so you can see what other people think and feel about Japanese language learning (as well as other topics). You are also encouraged to leave comments on these blogs.

* We know that your Japanese language is very limited, but you can convey your intended meaning more effectively by utilizing other resources such as pictures and videos. Remember that people utilize not only language but also other resources such as tone of your voice, music, body language, picture, color, font style and size for communication.

3. To reflect (or evaluate) what you have done so far.

* Sometimes it is challenging to see our own progress or growth. Blogs help you to look back and see how you have changed through the course of your Japanese language learning.