This is today’s activity. If you cannot finish within class time, please finish at home.
1. In groups of 3-4 people, discuss the attributes of a good podcast. Also discuss categories that you feel are important in evaluating podcasts.(10 min.)
We will have not only teachers, but also your classmates and yourself evaluate the podcasts. Using the results of your discussions today as a basis, we will decide the criteria for evaluating the podcast project at the end of the semester.
- In groups of 3-4 people, discuss the attributes of a good podcast. Also discuss the criteria that are important for evaluating podcasts project (i.e. both process and product).
- Post the results of your discussion in the comment area of this blog. (To ensure that we know who posted, write your group member’s names. (initials are fine as well)
2. Read the comments on your own blog. (10 minutes)
- Read the comments of the people who commented on your blog. (If you already read them skip #2 and go to step 3 below.)
- If you feel that it is necessary, respond back to the people who commented on your blog.
3. Confirm if comments you have made on others’ blogs have been responded to, or not. (10 minutes).
- Check the status of comments you have left on others’ blogs. (If you have already done this, skip to step 4.)
- If you think it is necessary, respond to any comments.
4. Comment on the blogs of students in other sections, and other universities (at least 5). (20 minutes)
- To go to blogs in other sections, look at the link list on the right-hand side of the page.
- To go to the blogs of students in other universities and countries, click on the link on the right-hand side of the page that says, "せかい(world)" under “ともだちをつくろう(Let's make friends.” At this site you will see にほんごいちねんせい as a link on the right, and underneath it there are various university’s names. If you click these links you will be brought to university homepages which have student blogs.
- When you read the blogs and think you want to be friends, comment on their blogs. Try to keep the communication going with these students.
- To ensure that you remember where you commented, please make sure to record on your comment sheet. Hand in your comment sheet at the end of class.
- Write in your blog in Japanese.
- You can choose any topic. If you can’t think of any ideas you can write about what you will do on your day off for Election Day or on Halloween.
A good podcast is:
-Snippets of Japanese culture.
-Incorporates many of the new grammar points we learned during this semester.
-Entertaining and visually pleasing.
-Correct Japanese grammar and pronunciation. Diverse vocabulary and sentence structures.
-Adequate length (5-10 minutes).
-Coherent idea.
Gary Cheng, Kyul Ko, Arjun Roy, David Lee, Lennon Lee
Good Podcast should be in colloquial format, so that everyone can understanding and the content should be about things that interest everyone and is typical of a daily conversation or activity. It should be original, detailed, and well organized. Humor is always a plus, but not mandatory. I think it is important to incorporate some japanese culture and vocabularies. If you could, add subtitles or animations to make the video even more interesting.
Depending on the topic, the podcast should be detailed, at least 5 minutes long and the content should be relevant and consistent with topic. The podcast should be viewable by everyone and take in one shot. If the video stop and resume, it would be annoying. Flow of the video is also very important for a good grade!
That's all!
Mei Li
- Concise, but not too short (2-4 minutes)
- Fluency- good grammar; no stuttering; natural sounding
- Relevant to American and Japanese culture
- Funny, entertaining
- Engaging
- Not corny
- Coherent idea and storyline with believable characters
Jiwoo Kim, Hyun Lee, Janet Lee, Eun Shin, Laima Tazmin
Good Podcast:
-Interesting and concise
-Consistent themes and content
-Entertaining, Fun, can be funny
-Balanced input from all members of the group
--> Tripp, Eliott, Harry
Good podcast attributes:
-Informative & entertaining
-Concise (no unintentional awkward pauses)
-Incorporate aural and visual landscapes
-Proper inflection (no monotone)
-Use and expand on familiar concepts
Jonathan, Jesse, Derek
In terms of process, a good Podcast should:
Be Efficient
Have detailed planning
Good Scheduling
Proper Delegation of Responsibilities
In terms of the final product, a good Podcast should:
Have an interesting story
Display grammer comprehension
Good pronunciation
J-pop, lots J-pop
Equal roles for all people
5-10 minutes in length
Frank, Ihna, Jennifer
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